read my blogs

  1. Minion Speak App
  2. August, 2021

    Did you know that the gibberish that minions speak is an actual language? Here's an app that I created that will convert English sentence into Banana language. This blog is all about how I created this fun app using vanillaJS. I will explain how beginner like me can create this fun app by just writing 10 to 20 lines of code.


  3. 12 Array Methods in JavaScript that will help you land your next job.
  4. August, 2021

    I was scrolling through Twitter and found this interesting thread that explained different array methods in JavaScript and I realized that I knew only a few of them and even less which I actually used while coding. I searched other array methods on the internet and found out how helpful these array methods are. In this blog, I am going to explain 12 array methods in JavaScript that will make your life easier.